Return to previous blog

In the first part, I said that I had been running an old blog hosted by a famous tool called Jekyll and GitHub Pages for a long time, but I moved to Google’s Blogger for various reasons. However, I decided to continue using the existing blog. There were several reasons for this.

Unapproved by Google Adsense

AdSense, provided by Google, is a service that allows advertisements in a certain space on the screen of a website and receives compensation. It can be said that it is thanks to this advertising model that Google has established itself as a global company as it is now. Ads that pop up while watching YouTube are all AdSense. If you know this background, there are times when you feel dissatisfied when borrowing money, but how can you feel that you are a good person when you rent a space on a website, even though the creditor is expensive. .

You can get AdSense approval if you meet a few conditions, but the newly transferred blog has not been approved for a long time because of how it doesn’t meet these conditions well. I thought it would be easy to get approved because I used Google Blogger… but I was wrong. It is only speculation that the cause may be that there are a lot of duplicate posts with the existing blog. Google is watching everything Anyway, this is one of the reasons for returning to the old blog that once got Adsense approval.

The hassle of registering in Search Console

If you want to earn money with Adsense, you don’t want to. You can register your blog in a search engine through the search console provided by Google. However, I noticed that some of the articles on the existing blog were already being searched for by many people. By registering a new blog in the form of a website migration, it seems that the inflow to the existing blog can be converted into a new blog. However, for me, this was just a hurdle I never wanted to overcome.

Jekyll? No, Hugo? Yes!

As mentioned in Part 1, Google Blogger is a blogging platform that has no drawbacks. If it was my first blogging situation, the above two reasons would not have been valid. However, for the reasons mentioned in Part 1, I did not want to rewrite Jekyll. I wanted to find alternatives and methods to somehow solve the problems I pointed out by myself. The existing blog was created 3 years ago, so it must have been there. And I will post the methods I finally found one by one.